Post 5: The "Right Answer"

        “There ain’t no answer. There ain’t gonna be any answer. There never has been an answer. That’s the answer” – Gertrude Stein

I visited two political websites, the American Conservative and the Both websites are just like their names; they hold almost completely different points of view. The American Conservative promotes stare decisis and is strongly adhered to conservative American beliefs. The publishes insights and beliefs on U.S. foreign policy and the negative impacts that war is bringing to society. However, although these sites hold different political standpoints, both of them are strong anti-war voices. For example, The American Conservative posted the following statement in its post on Feb 15th, 2022: “We must count the costs of endless war, regardless of the little victories, and ask whether we have really accomplished our objectives”.

It is correct that I have never heard about these two sites on the mainstream news. Personally, I think that there are many purposes of broadcasting news; a few strongest reasons are giving relevant and recent information nationally and internationally, and achieving a certain degree of propaganda. Different countries do it differently; however, all governments want their citizens to think highly of the governing power. Contents that sound more neutral create a more authentic and unbiased atmosphere for the viewers. However, it is always important for individuals to hear different voices within the society other than the mainstream media. Not only does it broaden the vision, but also gives us the ability to shape more fair judgments and beliefs.

Society is always evolving. People always try to seek something better and more suitable for the current society. But there is never a “right answer”, and in fact, there shall never be such a “right answer”. No society shall be trapped in a set of eternal doctrines that govern people’s beliefs; true freedom emerges from trying, reflecting, and decision making. 



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