Post 6: One Thing I Learnt During EOTO I Presentation

        I learnt about the history of the lens from Mr. Henry Wallace’s presentation. The origin of Lenses can be traced back to ancient Egypt. At that time, lenses were not used to take photos, of course, it was used in statue building, especially for the eyes. The ancient Egyptians used polished quartz as the eyes of the statue, as people or worshipers walk around, it feels like the statue figure is watching back at the person from all angles. Later on, the technology of lenses evolved, during the Islamic Golden Age, Al-Haytham used lenses to reflect material. Then, as technology got more and more advanced, people invented glasses, cameras, etc.

Prior to listening to his presentation, I never thought of lenses outside of their modern usage. In fact, the use and the invention of lens-related material not only reflected light but also reflected people’s unlimited curiosity and imagination. People nowadays tend to neglect the importance of light, but back in ancient times, light was the source of many life necessities. The invention of lenses gave humans the ability to better understand and use light. It is important for us today to learn about and understand the struggle and effort our ancestors have made. Everything we have today is built on the foundation of people who stood here before us. During the thousands of years of their journey, their wisdom has guided us to our modern society with stunning art & science achievements. The train of technological inventions will only go faster and further and there will be infinite stops in front of us as long as we do not stop creating. 



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