Post 1: Where I Get My News


    As today’s society progresses, news can be easily accessed through various platforms. From soft newspapers that were left in front of the doorsteps, to flashes and flashes of notifications that pop up with different ringtones, which fills younger generations’ life with every form of a story from every walk of life. The definition of “news” also expanded from important matters within the society to fresh stories that can take place in anyone's life.     I am not an active News's follower; I do not have a habit of following one particular source of media or watching the news at a certain frequency. My top 5 main sources of news come from social media, search engines, and network televisions.

NO1: Tik Tok (Douyin)     I have been a Douyin (Tik Tok) user since 2018. It is the social media that I spend the most time on. Many news platforms have their own Tik Tok account that they would post daily. From time to time, as I am enjoying the fun and relaxation through the entertainment, I also get news from the United Nations, the Global Times, CCTV, People’s Daily, etc. This news are being delivered as quickly as within 15-45 seconds but they were still able to reach a huge amount of audience within a short period of time. They took away the boringness of reading and watching the entire story; instead, they gave out the most essential information.     Advantages: easy to access, short and essential, easy to get viewers interested in the story.     Disadvantages: Easy to create false propaganda, does not always give the full story, harder to fact check.

NO2: Sina News     Sina News is very good about sending out notifications; sometimes it annoys me until I have to uninstall the application and re-download it later. Versus Tik Tok having all the main news sources, Sina News focuses on smaller and more independent/private news sources. Yet, the range of its coverage still goes from politics to entertainment. Sina News uses a traditional blog style, the news content generally takes 1-3 minutes to read and is well equipped with graphics and videos that are relevant to the story.     Advantages: easy to access, simple texts.     Disadvantages: some sources are not credible.

NO3: CNN News     CNN news is where I get most of my news about the United States. One of my host families back in high school liked to watch CNN news. They would put it on TV all the time. Although I do not subscribe to CNN news, whenever I want to learn about the background of any news story, I always tend to look at what CNN posts about it first.     Advantages: high credibility, new coverage is large.     Disadvantages: slightly lean left. Does not cover much material globally.

NO4: CGTN     I like news that is delivered in more than 2 languages. This type of news breaks the traditional pattern of any news platform, which is meant to be delivered to one group of audience. It is easier to find two sides of an audience's opinions through CGTN, and it is also a good studying source to learn a second language in a journalism profession.     Advantages: switching perspectives while thinking under a different language background.     Disadvantages: one division of state controlled media.

NO5: Google     My number 5 source of news is my curiosity. Whenever I hear something or see something on the news or social media that I want to learn more about, Google is where I go. After a round of searching, I can read the news stories posted by several news sources and see the difference in their perspectives. I can also utilize fact-check tools to eliminate possible bias.     Advantages: No limitations. Wide range of resources.     Disadvantages: hard to fact-check.

It doesn’t matter which source or platform one goes to, news is everywhere and it has dissolved into people’s modern day life. There are good news and bad news, credible sources and false sources. It is one’s responsibility to develop skills to tell the differences and find sources that is most reliable for one’s self.


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