
Showing posts from January, 2022

Post 3: Values of Free Expression

 “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”.  – Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev.1992)                There are eight values of Free Expressions: marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. Among these speech theories, some highlight the relationship between the people and their government while some express how freedom of speech impacts an individual’s intellectual fulfillment. All of them center on the First Amendment; they reflect America's pursuit of “liberty and justice for all”. Here are the two values that I feel most important and most connected with.  I: Participation in Self-Government

Post 2: The Voices of Freedom

     From Watching Supreme Court and reading the article “Supreme Court” by History Channel, I learned that The Supreme Court of the United States is the most powerful judicious court in the world. It is independent of the U.S. government. It serves as a platform where the people of the U.S. can bring societal issues to the table through a certain case and discuss the most desired result for the people themselves. The Supreme Court has the power to choose certain cases that are being brought up, and they can only open an issue with an actual case being presented.  The key to Supreme Court Justice is its sovereign power of listening to people’s voices and making sure that “government only gets power from the consent of the governed” (Professor Dean Smith, personal communication, Jan 18, 2022). They not only evaluate the constitution during different cases but also have the power to check the executive and legislative powers. In other words, the president and the congress cannot tell th

Post 1: Where I Get My News

          As today’s society progresses, news can be easily accessed through various platforms. From soft newspapers that were left in front of the doorsteps, to flashes and flashes of notifications that pop up with different ringtones, which fills younger generations’ life with every form of a story from every walk of life. The definition of “news” also expanded from important matters within the society to fresh stories that can take place in anyone's life.     I am not an active News's follower; I do not have a habit of following one particular source of media or watching the news at a certain frequency. My top 5 main sources of news come from social media, search engines, and network televisions. NO1: Tik Tok (Douyin)      I have been a Douyin (Tik Tok) user since 2018. It is the social media that I spend the most time on. Many news platforms have their own Tik Tok account that they would post daily. From time to time, as I am enjoying the fun and relaxation through the